Interview with Author David A. Kilman

September 2017

  1. Can you tell us a little what your story, "Spooky Action," is about?

    A university physicist accidentally contacts God while conducting experiments in quantum entanglement, a.k.a. spooky action at a distance. This is the first that God has heard of humans, and he soon learns that some of them are not happy with his creation.

  2. How did you come up with the idea?

    That is a question you will have to ask my subconscious. When I saw the call for this anthology, I really wanted to write a story for it because I am a big Vonnegut fan. But I didn't have time. I was trying to get one daughter graduated from our homeschool and enrolled in college. Another daughter was about to get married and I think most people have a pretty good idea of how crazy that can be. And on top of that we were in the middle of a number of remodeling projects that were supposed to get done before the wedding. So as much as I wanted to write a story for this anthology, I decided against it. Then, the day after I made that decision, this idea popped into my head. I thought, that's nice, but I don't have time, so I ignored it. But the idea would not let go. Over the next couple days, parts of the story just kept pouring out, all while I am working on this other stuff. The next thing I know, I have a complete story, too much story for the word limit in fact. So I figured I don't have any choice. I have to write this. The central theme is about suffering, so I suppose my subconscious had a compelling need to address that.

  3. What is your inspiration for writing as a whole?

    Other authors, particularly the ones who have helped me cope with life; Kurt Vonnegut, Mark Twain, Douglas Adams, William Tenn, Hunter Thompson, to name a few. You may notice that those are all humorists. Not that I don't also love the works of other writers, but it has been the humorists that have kept me sane. You could say that I am inspired to do the same for other people.

  4. Could you tell us a bit about yourself?

    I grew up in the Philadelphia area and got involved in politics at a young age. In my early twenties I was elected councilman and subsequently suffered an overexposure to deception, nastiness and corruption. In other words, reality. Stripped of my youthful idealism, I dropped out of politics and moved to Colorado Springs where I met a wonderful woman and we started a family.

  5. Where can listeners find more of your work?

    I've had stories published in Galaxy's Edge and Amazing Stories Magazine. I also used to write humor columns when I was younger. A few of those can be found on my website, which is also a good place to watch for forthcoming story announcements.

  6. Any new work we should keep an eye out for?

    A story titled "Toasterpocalypse" is due out in an anthology in November. The tentative title for the anthology is Children of Edward Bryant, but that may change. I will post more definitive information on my website as soon as I have it.

  7. (Just for Juli's curiosity): What are you reading now?

    I am currently reading Unidentified Funny Objects 6 edited by Alex Shvartsman for a review that I will be writing for Amazing Stories Magazine. As you might guess from the title, it is an anthology of humorous science fiction and fantasy. Funny stuff so far, but I am only a few stories into it. I am also in the middle of Thomas Shelton's 1612 English translation of Don Quixote. I am enjoying that, but it is slow going due to the antiquated language. If you haven't read Don Quixote before, I would recommend reading a modern translation.


Editor's Note: If you enjoyed this story, please grab the anthology it appeared in, Cat's Breakfast: Kurt Vonnegut Tribute, available via or via Amazon (ebook/print).

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